... 1040 or one of its ... Dictionary will alert you to these important limits . How Do You Prove the Deduction ? Proving your writeoffs isn't important until you're audited . Then you'll be grateful you've got the required proof . Most ...
If you want to succeed in business, you need to know the language. Fortunately, this reference volume presents all the necessary words are in one place.
The Standard Periodical Directory
Each updated edition identifies nearly 35,000 live, print and electronic sources of information listed under more than 1,100 alphabetically arranged subjects--industries and business concepts and practices. Edited by business information...
Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources
CYBERSPACE Originally used in Neuromancer, William Gibson's novel of direct braincomputer networking, refers to the collective realms of computer-aided communication. CYCLE BILLING method of billing customers at different ...
The Dow Jones-Irwin Dictionary of Financial Planning