Annotation Also available in Spanish Elementos de la GestiAn Urbana / (ISBN 0-8213-2457-8) / Stock No. 12457 / $6.95 / Price code 006 This handy management tool explains how urban government agencies can manage growth effectively. It shows how to fund urban services and monitor financing. It also points out ways by which municipal institutions can deliver better services with such methods as evaluation of the work of urban government agencies. Case studies of the performance of municipal governments come from cities in Brazil, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. A study of the Philippines evaluates municipal development projects funded by the World Bank. The author discusses how to improve city development and municipal planning, and recommends ways of managing urban services, whether privately or publicly owned. Politics have a crucial effect on urban management. The study discusses designation of executive positions, timing of elections, and gauging political risks. Relations between local agencies and central governments also are surveyed. The paper reviews ways to create an environment that instills pride in performing services well.
While such access will depend as much, if not more, on private initiatives and enterprises, these are critically affected by public sector policies and functions that only government can perform.
Aspects of Urban Management
Urban management is a relatively new topic, which has gained increasing importance due to a rise in urbanization and a wave of decentralization programs in recent decades. This innovative book...
Sharing the City gives a comprehensive account of urban community participation, both in theory and practice. It first presents a wide-ranging analysis of the issues, and develops a participatory framework for urban management.
The relentless growth of cities is inevitable--and irreversible. Developing countries' share of the world's urban population will rise to 71% by the year 2000 and 80% by 2025. By the...
The Challenges of Urban Government Introduction Mila Freire Cities and towns are marvelous and vital instruments of exchange , vital for the development of economic systems and social organizations . As Paul M. Hohenberg ( 1988 ) ...
This work is the culmination of the author's long career in planning practice. His involvement in government, business, and academics means this book relates to a wide variety of fields. And the author writes in a clear, nontechnical style.
Multidisciplinary treatment of the urgent issues surrounding urban pollution worldwide Written by some of the top experts on the subject in the world, this book presents the diverse, complex and current themes of the urban pollution debate ...
Conceived out of extensive research, classroom work and experiences in planning, Issues in Urban and Regional Planning: An Introductory Hand Book On Elements Of Planning is a critical and introductory analysis of evolution of planning, ...
Comprised of 34 chapters, this book begins by outlining an alternative approach to environmental modeling in which comprehensive models are replaced by a network of simpler models, focused on specific aspects of the reality and sponsored by ...