Case Studies from Bulgaria, Croatia, and Romania Thomas E. Novotny, Dominic Haazen, Olusoji Adeyi. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street , N.W. Washington , D.C. 20433 , U.S.A. All ...
Overview of HIV AIDS in South Eastern Europe: Epidemiological Data Vulnerable Groups Governmental and Non Governmental Responses Up to January...
Millennium Development Goals For Health In Europe And Central Asia: Relevance And Policy Implications
This publication sets out the World Bank's regional support strategy which seeks to provide a unifying framework for the Bank's work as part of the international support for country-led responses to these public health problems.
In so doing, the book also shows the potential of what can be done with a mathematical model and how it can support real-life improvements in policy and more efficacious budget allocations.
Tells the story of HIV/AIDS in Europe from a broad variety of perspectives: bio-medical, social, cultural, economic and political.
2002. The Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation. Moscow: The AIDS Centre/The World Bank. Sedlecki. 1999. ... 2002a. AIDS Epidemic Update. Geneva. ———. 2002b. Epidemiological Fact Sheets on HIV/AIDS and STI, Albania.
This annual update reports on developments in the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and draws on the most recent data available to give global and regional estimates of its scope and human toll.
AIDS is now the most serious threat to public health internationally, the US and Africa having the highest number of cases suffered so far. In the next century the situation...