The countries of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region have made significant progress in reducing poverty in the past five years. More than 40 million people moved out of poverty during 1998-03. Much of this poverty reduction derives from the growth rebound in the CIS countries. But poverty and vulnerability still remain a significant problem. More than 60 million are poor and more than 150 million are vulnerable. Most of the poor are the working poor. Many others face deprivations in terms of access and quality of public services. Regional inequalities both between and within countries are large. The highest levels of absolute poverty are found in the poor countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, but most of the region's poor and vulnerable are in middle income countries. Notwithstanding the tremendous heterogeneity among countries in the region, reducing poverty and vulnerability requires an acceleration of shared growth across the region. If this is to be achieved, public policies need to focus on at least three areas common to all countries: fostering job creation and raising productivity, improving public service delivery, and addressing spatial inequalities. Within each of these areas, recommendations need to be tailored to country-specific circumstances.
This book, by Abdessatar Ouanes and Subhash Thakur presents the principal elements of macroeconomic accounting and analysis for the real, fiscal, monetary, and external sectors of a transition economy, using Poland as a case study.
Years of Poverty, Years of Plenty: The Changing Economic Fortunes of American Workers and Families
Everyone agrees that they only way to learn economics is to do it.
... 214, 235, 273, 332, 382. 383 firms, 208. 209. 213, 215, 217, 219, 228. 235, 237. 289. 333, 354, 355 first generation. 272, 273, 274, 278, 280 fiscal deficit. 86. 288, 337, 355, 356 fiscal policy. 26. 144. 336. 351. 356. 357 fishing.
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如果国经济发速的任何上升和回落的波动都为经济周期,经济周期的划分必然杂乱,经济周期时间上的环规律也体现。此,经济周期经济波动的别除了波动是否有周期性,还时间上的续性和波动幅的大小问题。如果相邻年的长上相小,例如在1%~ 2% ,对国经济运行的响不大, ...
A System of International Comparisons of Gross Product and Purchasing Power
David Romer’s Advanced Macroeconomics, 3e is the standard text and the starting point for graduate macro courses and helps lay the groundwork for students to begin doing research in macroeconomics...