The vast majority of the world's poorest households depend on farming for their livelihood. During the 1960s and 1970s, most developing countries imposed pro-urban and anti-agricultural policies, while many high-income countries restricted agricultural imports and subsidized their farmers. Both sets of policies inhibited economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. Although progress has been made over the past two decades to reduce those policy biases, many trade- and welfare-reducing price distortions remain between agriculture and other sectors as well as within the agricultural sector of both rich and poor countries. Comprehensive empirical studies of the disarray in world agricultural markets first appeared approximately 20 years ago. Since then the OECD has provided estimates each year of market distortions in high-income countries, but there has been no comparable estimates for the world's developing countries. This volume is the first in a series (other volumes cover Africa, Asia, and Latin America) that not only fill that void for recent years but extend the estimates in a consistent and comparable way back in time--and provide analytical narratives for scores of countries that shed light on the evolving nature and extent of policy interventions over the past half-century. 'Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Europe's Transition Economies' provides an overview of the evolution of distortions to agricultural incentives caused by price and trade policies in the economies of Eastern Europe and Central Asia that are transitioning away from central planning. The book includes country and subregional studies of the ten transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe that joined the European Union in 2004 or 2007, of seven other large member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and of Turkey. Together these countries comprise over 90 percent of the Europe and Central Asia region's population and GDP. Sectoral, trade, and exchange rate policies in the region have changed greatly since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, but price distortions remain. The new empirical indicators in these country studies provide a strong evidence-based foundation for evaluating policy options in the years ahead.
Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-Seeking Behavior. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Statistics Canada. 2006. CANSIM table. http://www40.statcan/101/cst01/prim10.htm. Taussig, F. W. 1931. The Tariff History of the United ...
This volume is the second in a series (other volumes cover Africa, Asia, and Europe's transition economies) that not only fills that void for recent years but extends the estimates in a consistent and comparable way back in time and ...
This volume is the third in a series (other volumes cover Asia, Europe s transition economies, and Latin America and the Caribbean) that not only fills that void for recent years but extends the estimates in a consistent and comparable way ...
This volume is the third in a series (other volumes cover Africa, Europe's transition economices, and Latin America and the Caribbean) that not only fills that void for recent years but extends the estimates in a consistent and comparable ...
... defined as the percentage by which the price of farm relative to nonfarm tradables is above what it would be if the ... huge strides have been made in developing political economy theories for government intervention in markets, ...
This paper is a contribution to efforts to increase the understanding of changes in the transition economies, with an emphasis on agriculture, focusing on Hungary and Poland. The author draws...
Globalization of the food and agricultural economy; Improved market incentives in transition economies; Agricultural research , technology development and institutions; Making agriculture environmentally safe; Contributed papers- ...
This paper analyzes the determinants of growth in 25 transition economies during 1990–97.
Agricultural research and development, 3160–3161 emergent issues agricultural research investments, ... 3495 theories of structural transformation see Structural transformation, theories of Agricultural products import and export ratios ...
Dänhardt, J., M. Green, Å. Lindström, M. Rundlöf and H.G. Smith (2010), 'Farmland as stopover habitat for migrating birds – effects of organic farming and landscape structure', Oikos, 119(7), 114–25. DeGregori, T.R. (2003), 'Origins of ...