The 'Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook' provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. It is serves as a tool for: guidance; showcasing key principles in integrating gender into projects; stimulating the imagination of practitioners to apply lessons learned, experiences, and innovations to the design of future support and investment in the agriculture sector. The Sourcebook draws on a wide range of experience from World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and other donor agencies, governments, institutions, and groups active in agricultural development. The Sourcebook looks at: access to and control of assets; access to markets, information and organization; and capacity to manage risk and vulnerability through a gender lens. There are 16 modules covering themes of cross-cutting importance for agriculture with strong gender dimensions (Policy, Public Administration and Governance; Agricultural Innovation and Education; Food Security; Markets; Rural Finance; Rural Infrastructure; Water; Land; Labor; Natural Resource Management; and Disaster and Post-Conflict Management) and specific subsectors in agriculture (Crops, Livestock, Forestry, and Fisheries). A separate module on Monitoring and Evaluation is included, responding to the need to track implementation and development impact. Each module contains three different sub-units: (1) A Module Overview gives a broad introduction to the topic and provides a summary of major development issues in the sector and rationale of looking at gender dimension; (2) Thematic Notes provide a brief and technically sound guide in gender integration in selected themes with lessons learned, guidelines, checklists, organizing principles, key questions, and key performance indicators; and (3) Innovative Activity Profiles describe the design and innovative features of recent and exciting projects and activities that have been implemented or are ongoing.
The 'Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook' provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into ...
The volume consists of nine chapters covering relevant issues on women in farming and its allied disciplines projecting multifaceted experiences, authored by several experts, academics and practitioners on the field from the countries like, ...
This book builds on the report’s conclusions by providing, for a non-specialist audience, a compendium of what we know now about gender gaps in agriculture.
Power, Rights, and Inclusive Markets
Fertile Ground, Narrow Choices: Women on Cotton Farms of the Texas Blackland Prairie, 1900-1940. Ph.D., Emory University, 1993. Examines the contributions of women in the Texas Blackland Prairie, the most fertile southern region outside ...
This book is the product of an international conference hosted by the Women in Agricultural Development (WIAD) Program at the University of Florida in 1986.
This book is an attempt to comprehend and compile the history, present status, and future trends of the gender roles in agriculture. The book comprises of three divisions viz.
“I have lived on this farm for twenty-five and a half years. So I did not bolt. I do not know how many times I have thought about bolting, but I did not bolt. So that speaks ... that fact speaks volumes too.” This view of women farmers ...
This book, edited by researchers from the CGIAR Gender Platform, reviews and reflects on the growing body of evidence from gender research.
In Adapting Social Science to the Changing Focus of International Agricultural Research, edited by S. K. Ehui, J. Lynam, and I. Okike, 158–172. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute).