Chocolate on Trial: Cadbury, Slavery and the Economics of Virtue in Imperial Britain gives a lively and highly readable account of the events surrounding the libel trial in which Cadbury Bros. Ltd. sued the London Standard, following the newspaper's accusation that the firm was hypocritical in its use of slave-grown cocoa. As compelling now as at the turn of the previous century, the issues probed by Lowell J. Satre give invaluable historical background to contemporary issues of business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and globalization.The story Satre tells illuminates what a stubbornly persistent institution slavery was and shows how Cadbury, a company with a well-regarded brand name and logo, endured ethical dilemmas and challenges to its record for social responsibility. Chocolate on Trial brings to life the age-old conflict between economic interests and the value of human life.
Explaining his actions later , Brooks said , “ I felt it my duty to relieve Butler and avenge the insult to my State . ... To punish an insulting inferior one used not a pistol or sword but a cane or horsewhip .
(III.) Of the Indictment againstTheodore Parker. I am indicted, gentlemen, for "resisting an officer" who was engaged in kidnapping Mr.Burns; and itis charged thatI, at Boston, May 26th, "with forceand armsdid knowinglyand wilfully, ...
The Trial of Theodore Parker for the "Misdemeanor" of a Speech in Faneuil Hall Against Kidnapping Before the Circuit Court...
55–68; David Birmingham, “The Coffee Barons of Cazengo,” Journal of African History, 19 (1978): 523–38; James Duffy, A Question of Slavery (Oxford, 1967) pp. 5–39; E. Gabriel to Russell, Feb. 25, 1860, FO 84/ 1 104. 25. Comm.
X I was taken from [my employer] Joseph C. Miller's . . . by two men . . . One came in and. . . seized me by the arm, and pulled me out of the house. Mrs. Miller called to her husband, who was in the front porch, and he ran out and ...
Thompson, George A Speech on British Colonial Slavery . . . delivered at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Irwell Street, Salford. Manchester, 1832. Thompson, William An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most ...
8, 1860; Russell McClain, "The New York Express: Voice of Opposition" (Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1955), 229-34; St. Clairsville [Ohio] Independent Republican, April 28, May 17, June 14 (quotation), 1860; Paul Hallerberg, ...
"A freed slave, Violet Bowman enjoys live in Boston.
No Marketing Blurb
Engerman , Stanley L. , and Eugene D. Genovese , eds . 1975. Race and slavery in the Western hemisphere : Quantitative ... Fischbaum , Marvin , and Julius Rubin . 1968. Slavery and the economic development of the American South .