... Douglas Burrows : 35 bottom ; Lien / Nebauer : 43 bottom ; Larry Mayer : 54 ; Michael Renaudeau : 70-71 ; Sheila ... Lawrence Migdale : 9G ; Peter Wilkie : 11 right ; Hideo Kurihara : 12 right ; Paul Chesley : 13 , Stephen Johnson ...
The inaugural book in the Pillars of Faith series, The Faith We Profess: A Catholic Guide to the Apostles' Creed is an ideal resource for RCIA groups, adult faith formation, and Catholics of all ages wanting to reflect and pray on the ...
El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print, 2000: Including Related Teaching Materials K-12
Books in Print
This reference is an understandable and down-to-earth guide to all things Catholic. The resource is appropriate for brushing up on specific Catholic terms and concepts or learning them for the first time. (Catholic)
This teaching activities manual works with both the first and second edition of The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth.
Like us, Jesus gin." The word "virgin" tells that c ,. T ,. , . j_ telt pain. Jesus was subjected to the great- it was God's will to enter the a- . . , est suttering we can imagine — death on world as one of us. w, the cross.
In the spirit of nineteenth-century philosopher John Stuart Mill's admonition to fully, frequently, and fearlessly" discuss what we profess to be true in order that it remain a "living truth" rather than dead dogma, Thomas P. Rausch gives ...
Forthcoming Books
Part of the Discipleship Series of compact small-group resources "for people with busy lives but open hearts.
As hunger for the faith continues to grow, Pope Benedict XVI gives the Catholic Church the food it seeks with 598 questions and answers in the