Color illustration on front cover of three superimposed vignettes: brown-haired woman wearing purple dress between two men; man wearing white shirt and brown pants embracing woman wearing mauve dress; two cowboys on horseback shooting rifles at two Native Americans on horseback galloping towards them.
Steamboats West is an adventure story that navigates the rocky rapids of the upper Missouri to offer a fascinating account of travel to the raw frontier past the pale of settlement.
On July 15th he starts across the Divide, heading for the Yellowstone Valley. ... and they hit that just a mile below where it comes out of the Rockies from up yonder in Yellowstone Park, where we all were only yesterday.
This book documents the discovery, recovery, and preservation of the steamship Arabia and its cargo. The Arabia sank in 1856 near Kansas City, and most of the events covered in this book pertain to the late 1980s recovery.
Captain Culpepper refurbished his steamboat to withstand the rigors of navigating the Missouri River from St. Louis to Fort Benton, Montana.
Missouri River Country: 100 Miles of Stories and Scenery from Hermann to the Confluence