When Mercy Goodacre, a minister's daughter, saved convicted killer Pace Lansing from the hangman's noose, her town was abuzz with gossip. Now, a mob was ready to lynch Pace when they believed he had compromised Mercy's virtue. To save him, Mercy declared their engagement. Pace thought he could maintain a marriage of convenience--until Mercy set out to change his mind with a passion only the innocent possess.
本书讲述亚瑟和乔治生于英国十九世纪末, 但出生环境截然不同.亚瑟是医生, 后成为大名鼎鼎的柯南道尔--"福尔摩斯探案集"的作者, 乔治却是一位默默无闻的律师, ...
Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South is the story of Margaret Hale, the daughter of a local priest in Hampshire, whose father decides to leave his country church after a serious crisis of faith.
As far as we know , the van , which we eventually named Van Morrison , was never serviced . The engine sounded a lot like a trash compactor . Also , only Dad and a 300 - pound elder named Chet were strong enough to budge Van's manual ...
http: //www.EBrooksAndrews.com THE LONGEST JOURNEY Volume 3 of 3 "Balancing on Barbed Wire" Series Bonus: "Reflections" Poetry - Preview Edition Full color historical and family heirloom photoalbums by Bestselling author, E. Brooks Andrews ...
Each generation has found that despite the book savaging Victorian hypocrisy, it still speaks to every era as ultimately the theme of young people growing up wanting a greater degree of personal freedom than their parents is very much alive ...
"In rural Iowa, life is both the planter and the uprooter of dreams. As love, long delayed, springs to life in the heart of a young Swedish immigrant, one man...
Beneath the Surface: A Novel
In addition, the biographical and historical context for the work is outlined and a glossary of critical and theoretical terms provided.