Marcus Sharp is a charismatic and enigmatic New York actor who recounts in gruesome detail how his obsessions with a wealthy doctor named Jason and the myth of Medea lead to horrific, unspeakable events. At once ancient and contemporary, this provocative mono-thriller is Grand Guignol horror in the style of Spalding Gray.
From the dawn of European literature, the figure of Medea--best known as the helpmate of Jason and murderer of her own children--has inspired artists in all fields throughout all centuries.
Originating from a tradition not chosen by Euripides, this is also the version which Correia discards, in order to, some years later, portray the vibrant violence of another Medea, the aggrieved, vengeful barbarian, in a play titled ...
Among the numerous tragedies attributed to Ennius is at least one entitled Medea Exul (Medea Exiled), and possibly another Medea as well, although these may be the same play.30 Medea Exul appears to be a translation of Euripides.
A unique feature of this book is the introduction to tragic language and style. The text, revised for this edition, is accompanied by an abbreviated critical apparatus.
Frank Mcguinness in 'The Sophoclean Killing Fields: Interview with Frank Mcguinness by Joseph lang', in Amid Our Troubles: Irish Versions of Greek Tragedy, ed. by Marianne Mcdonald and J. Michael Walton (london: Methuen, 2002), pp.
... Journal of Feminist History 6/1: 147–50. Blatner, A. and Wiener, D.J., eds. (2007), Interactive and Improvisational Drama: Varieties of Applied Theatre and Performance (New York: iuniverse). Blau, H. (1990), The Audience (Baltimore, ...
This is what Helene Foley has called in the Euripidean Medea a “divided self” struggling amid “a clash between two positions in which reason and ... Medea was also truly borne by a god from one place, her home, to another and another.
That another powerful enchantress, granddaughter of the Sun and barbarian princess, Circé's niece Medea, was considered to be equally adept in this area is clear from a contemporary image. Medea's checkered career, which will be much to ...
Both visual and literary, this indispensable guide to the fascinating mythical figure of Medea gives access to the latest critical thinking in the field, brings into focus previously unexplored themes, and provides an incisive introduction ...
Verse is one issue: style another. Too much reverence or too little? Too manyEnglish language translationsof Greek plays seem either to lose sightofthe original, orlose sight of thefactthat theplays need to be spoken by actors andfor ...