Herbal and Magical Medicine draws on perspectives from folklore, anthropology, psychology, medicine, and botany to describe the traditional medical beliefs and practices among Native, Anglo- and African Americans in eastern North Carolina and Virginia. In documenting the vitality of such seemingly unusual healing traditions as talking the fire out of burns, wart-curing, blood-stopping, herbal healing, and rootwork, the contributors to this volume demonstrate how the region’s folk medical systems operate in tandem with scientific biomedicine. The authors provide illuminating commentary on the major forms of naturopathic and magico-religious medicine practiced in the United States. Other essays explain the persistence of these traditions in our modern technological society and address the bases of folk medical concepts of illness and treatment and the efficacy of particular pratices. The collection suggests a model for collaborative research on traditional medicine that can be replicated in other parts of the country. An extensive bibliography reveals the scope and variety of research in the field. Contributors. Karen Baldwin, Richard Blaustein, Linda Camino, Edward M. Croom Jr., David Hufford, James W. Kirland, Peter Lichstein, Holly F. Mathews, Robert Sammons, C. W. Sullivan III
Written in Iceland around the year 1500, the little book now known only as AM 434a is a treasure trove of medieval medical knowledge. The book lists healing uses for over ninety different herbs.
Plants in myth and magic - Plants in medicine - People in medicine - Understanding plants - Medicinal plants - Exotic and poisonous plants - Growing and using herbs -...
The Witch's Herbal Apothecary will awaken the Witch inherent in every wild soul and guide her into an empowered relationship of healing and magick with the natural world.
Combines a field guide to finding and preserving medicinal plants with a detailed home advisor to their uses in cooking, cosmetics and health
Folklore and Customs of Rural England . Totowa , ( NJ ) : Rowman & Littlefield , 1974 . ... A delightful guide to rituals and magic concerned with the garden , as well as the plants contained therein . Banis , Victor .
Perfect for fresh and seasoned herbalists alike, Herb Magic is your easy-to-digest guide to magical herbalism, introducing you to the spiritual side of herbs and how to use them in spells and rituals for spiritual power and wellness.
A guided exploration of herbal lore and healing plants found in yards, forests, meadows, and hedgerows • Draws on traditional knowledge and remedies from around the world, including Native American, Celtic, and Egyptian traditions • ...
Herbalism in Real Life Christine Buckley.
"Distilling baby's first tear into the eye of a blind man to make him see"; "Plucking herbs upward for emetics and downward for purgatives"; "Stroking one's goiter with a dead man's hand to make the growth shrivel away"--these are not ...
Many of these herbs you can grow in your own garden and this book will teach you everything from what the herb is used for and how to cultivate it all the way to what spells you can use them in.