The white man's burden, darkest Africa, the seduction of the primitive: such phrases were widespread in the language Western empires used to talk about their colonial enterprises. How this language itself served imperial purposes--and how it survives today in writing about the Third World--are the subject of David Spurr's book, a revealing account of the rhetorical strategies that have defined Western thinking about the non-Western world. Despite historical differences among British, French, and American versions of colonialism, their rhetoric had much in common. The Rhetoric of Empire identifies these shared features—images, figures of speech, and characteristic lines of argument—and explores them in a wide variety of sources. A former correspondent for the United Press International, the author is equally at home with journalism or critical theory, travel writing or official documents, and his discussion is remarkably comprehensive. Ranging from T. E. Lawrence and Isak Dineson to Hemingway and Naipaul, from Time and the New Yorker to the National Geographic and Le Monde, from journalists such as Didion and Sontag to colonial administrators such as Frederick Lugard and Albert Sarraut, this analysis suggests the degree to which certain rhetorical tactics penetrate the popular as well as official colonial and postcolonial discourse. Finally, Spurr considers the question: Can the language itself—and with it, Western forms of interpretation--be freed of the exercise of colonial power? This ambitious book is an answer of sorts. By exposing the rhetoric of empire, Spurr begins to loosen its hold over discourse about—and between—different cultures.
佛罗伦萨: 精致之城的往昔时光
This historic book may have numerous typos or missing text. Not indexed. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1909. Not illustrated.
If his record as a sailor was far from exemplary, Melville's travels did provide the raw material for much of his fiction. In January of 1841, he sailed from Massachusetts on the whaler Acushnet and deserted eighteen months later on the ...
Presents ten true stories that include essays, biographies, and travelogues.
A key drama of our own day is Ingmar Bergman's movie Scenes from a Marriage . In it we see a husband and wife who have good jobs and a well - furnished home but who are unable to communicate " —to cite one of the signature words of the ...
Wilson , Liz , 247 Wise , Sue , 21 Wise , Sue , and Stanley , Liz , 124 Wolfe , Susan , see Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe Wollstonecraft , Mary , 199 Woods , Marianne , 218 Woolf , Leonard , 11 , 133 , 134 Woolf , Virginia , 9 , 11 ...
Lewis , James R. , and Gordon Melton , eds . Perspectives on the New Age . Albany : State University of New York Press , 1992 . ... Lowenthal , David , and Martyn Bowden , eds . Geographies of the Mind : Essays in Historical Geosophy .
The Writing on the Wall: Women's Autobiography and the Asylum
... among the documents that accompanied the first edition of the Narrative of Frederick Douglass . The pertinent document is one that Douglass saw fit to include as the preface to his text , a letter to him from Wendell Phillips dated ...
For Those Who Came After : A Study of Native American Autobiography . Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of ... Landscape and Written Expression in Revolutionary America . ... Research Library of Colonial Americana Reprint .