DIVArgues that the category of death was a central part of the concept of citizenship in the nineteenth-century U.S., and that the particular form of that construction functioned to naturalize white males as ideal citizens./div
The Practice of Citizenship traces the parallel development of early black print culture and legal and cultural understandings of U.S. citizenship.
Furthermore, the essays in this book problematize some of the widespread misconceptions about U.S.-Mexico border history and culture in the current debate about immigration.
... Citizen: An American Lyric (Minneapolis: Graywolf P, 2014), whose cover features a black hood reminiscent of the visual debate around Trayvon Martin's death; and Russ Castronovo, Necro Citizenship: Death, Eroticism, and the Public ...
... necro- capitalism, and even as ostensible citizens (an empty cipher to be sure), Puerto Ricans have been repeatedly ... citizenship in Puerto Rico” as “a citizenship associated with death,” “devoid of political agency,” and without ...
... Democracy, Aesthetics, Individualism: Emerson as Public Intellectual.” Nineteenth-Century Prose 30, nos. 1–2 (Spring ... Materializing Democracy, 218–47. Newfield, Christopher. “Democratic Passions: Reconstructing Individual Agency.” In ...
... Eds. Presentist Shakespeares (London: Routledge, 2007); Gajowski, Evelyn, Presentism, Gender, and Sexuality in Shakespeare (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009); O'Rourke, James, Retheorizing Shakespeare through Presentist Readings ...
In Bridging Cultures: Reflections on the Heritage Identity of the Texas-Mexico Borderlands, editors Harriett Romo and William Dupont focus specifically on the lower reaches of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo as it exits the mountains and meanders ...
In Governing the Dead, Linh D. Vu explains how the Chinese Nationalist regime consolidated control by honoring its millions of war dead, allowing China to emerge rapidly from the wreckage of the first half of the twentieth century to become ...
... pretenses. If I lack certainty about your trustworthiness, swearing an oath, which only works if I find you trustworthy, will not give me the certainty I seek. The problematic here articulated—that oaths fail to es- tablish the security ...
In Democracy's Spectacle, Jennifer Greiman looks to an earlier moment in the history of American democracy's vexed interpretation of sovereignty to argue that such questions about the popularization of sovereign power shaped debates about ...