Selections of writing by the influential art critic and curator Kellie Jones reveal her role in bringing attention to the work of African American, African, Latin American, and women artists.
This book provides a detailed example of an eye-tracking method for comparing the reading experience of a literary source text readers with readers of a translation at stylistically marked points.
... eye-movements subjects were relying upon more than textual context. The subjects who had to rely upon context to guess the target words were only half as accurate ... eyes provide information about the content Eye Movements in Reading 1 19.
It is, to appropriate the title of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's best-selling study, the metaphor cinema lives by. ... and film styles and of the multifarious ways in which cinema shapes our understanding of the arts and media.
... eye-tracking research, the advent of which he announced in a paper published twenty years earlier (Rayner 1978). The third era saw a flourishing of research paradigms in line with advances in eye-tracking and computer technology, which ...
head. For decades, researchers have known that the burgeoning ability to sustain attention to a target—looking for a long duration with a stable view of the target centered in view—is an important determinant for later learning and ...
Always in motion the future is: Doctoral students' use of technology for SLA research. In R. P. Leow, L. Cerezo, & M. Baralt (Eds.), A psycholinguistic approach to technology and language learning (pp. 49–68).
Obstquark Sahnequark Magerquark 20 10 Bei Wölfen leben Rudel nicht verwandter Tiere in ge- trennten Revieren. easy question Wer lebt bei den Wölfen in getrennten Revieren? Gruppen Rudel Herden hard question Wer lebt bei den Wölfen in ...
B. im Stuhl ) -loxygeniertes oxygenated blood - / peripheres peripheral blood - / rh - negatives Rh - negative blood - / Rh ... hyperaemia - nach dem Kopf cerebral congestion Blutansammlung faccumulation of blood ; haematoma - im ...
... eyeminded but anywherebetween 60 and80%, whilethe balance is divided between hearing andremaining senses. Among the people who are preponderantly earminded, musicians are foremost, especially those who are able to repeat a composition ...
... eye focuses on what the mind is cognitively processing according to the “eyemind” hypothesis (Just & Carpenter, 1976), eye-tracking data are meaningful and can facilitate a wide range of research or investigations, especially in ...