Reclaiming the Political in Latin American History is a collection that embraces a new social and cultural history of Latin America that is not divorced from politics and other arenas of power. True to the intellectual vision of Brazilian historian Emilia Viotti da Costa, one of Latin America’s most distinguished scholars, the contributors actively revisit the political—as both a theme of historical analysis and a stance for historical practice—to investigate the ways in which power, agency, and Latin American identity have been transformed over the past few decades. Taking careful stock of the state of historical writing on Latin America, the volume delineates current historiographical frontiers and suggests a series of new approaches that focus on several pivotal themes: the construction of historical narratives and memory; the articulation of class, race, gender, sexuality, and generation; and the historian’s involvement in the making of history. Although the book represents a view of the Latin American political that comes primarily from the North, the influence of Viotti da Costa powerfully marks the contributors’ engagement with Latin America’s past. Featuring a keynote essay by Viotti da Costa herself, the volume’s lively North-South encounter embodies incipient trends of hemispheric intellectual convergence. Contributors. Jeffrey L. Gould, Greg Grandin, Daniel James, Gilbert M. Joseph, Thomas Miller Klubock, Mary Ann Mahony, Florencia E. Mallon, Diana Paton, Steve J. Stern, Heidi Tinsman, Emilia Viotti da Costa, Barbara Weinstein
Yet this book looks at the new opportunities that sprang up through electoral politics and mass action during that period. The chapters here warn against over-simplification of the so-called 'pink wave'.
In this sweeping history of United States policy toward Latin America, Lars Schoultz shows that the United States has always perceived Latin America as a fundamentally inferior neighbor, unable to manage its affairs and stubbornly ...
This volume, from the editors of the acclaimed Reclaiming Latin America, addresses the current trajectories of rightwing politics in Latin America in the face of leftist governments and regional alliances, the discrediting of neoliberalism, ...
In this volume, special emphasis is given to social history and the analysis of the spectrum of revolutionary change since Bolívar. This edition includes an entirely new section on Hugo...
Turbay , who represented the traditional currents within his party , obtained the narrowest of victories over Conservative candidate , Belisario Betancur . During Turbay's highly unpopular administration , the pulse of Colombian ...
An incisive survey of the historical development, society, politics, government, and struggle for democracy in Latin America
Frank D. McCann , Soldiers of the Pátria : A History of the Brazilian Army , 1889–1937 ( Stanford , CA : Stanford ... 121-157 , as well as Todd A. Diacon , Millenarian Vision , Capitalist Reality : Brazil's Contestado Rebellion ...
In The Impasse of the Latin American Left, Franck Gaudichaud, Massimo Modonesi, and Jeffery R. Webber explore the region’s Pink Tide as a political, economic, and cultural phenomenon.
Jorge Basadre, Historia de la República, 1822-1899, and La multitud, la ciudad y el campo en la historia del Perú; Luis G. Lumbreras et al., Nueva historia general del Perú; Peter Blanchard, The Origins of the Peruvian Labor Movement ...
An examination of the historical events that have shaped Latin America's fundamental economic and political dynamics.