2.3 Have students play modified 4 - on - 4 team handball , scoring by throwing the ball into the goal area . ( Assessment opportunity : structured observation 1.0 , 5.1 , 5.2 ... 6.2 Have students practice ball - handling activities .
STUNTS AND TUMBLING ACTIVITIES LESSON 16 At the end of the lesson , you should be able to : Enumerate the importance of stunts in maintaining physical fitness a . b . Follow steps in executing different stunts and tumbling activities c ...
Stunts and tumbling have been accepted as one part of the broad physical education for girls and boys in the elementary schools and high schools ... From the physical viewpoint , tumbling activities involve the big muscles of the body .
STUNTS AND TUMBLING LESSON 5 1 . Objectives A. Tell the importance of safety rules for enjoyable demonstration of activities in stunts and tumbling Perform different stunts and tumbling activities properly with care B. II .
Let's Appreciate and Relate What do you get from stunts and tumbling activities ? Since much of the activities are individual , you face your own challenges and you get the opportunity to develop resourcefulness , self - confidence ...
UNIT SPORTS AND GAMES ACTIVITIES THREE LESSON STUNTS AND TUMBLING ACTIVITIES IG Overview : Stunts and tumbling are part of gymnastic activities for Grade Four pupils . Generally stunts and tumbling skills are performedontheflooror on a ...
Let's Find Out Stunts and tumbling are the two important elements of gymnastics . They are skills that employ locomotor ... What are some warm - up exercises that should done before performing stunts and tumbling activities ?
Activities in this chapter are selected expressly for developing rhythmic movement skills. The activities progress from easy to more complex and from Developmental Levels I to III. Students develop social skills and a positive ...
Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children