Chronicles the life of the thirty-sixth president, from his Texas roots to his impact on the War on Poverty, the civil rights movement, and the programs of the "Great Society."
A poll coming to Johnson four days before the election showed him with a 61 percent to 39 percent lead . ... Republicans began distributing , especially in the South and the West , copies of A Texan Looks at Lyndon by J. Evetts Haley .
Charles Peters, a keen observer of Washington politics for more than five decades, tells the story of Johnson's presidency as the tale of an immensely talented politician driven by ambition and desire.
The long-time Johnson aide and former presidential press secretary paints an incisive portrait of the two faces of Lyndon Johnson--the brilliant, inspiring political leader and the boorish, egotistical personality
Lyndon B. Johnson, in full Lyndon Baines Johnson, also called LBJ, 36th president of the United States (1963-69).
This pioneering assessment of all significant aspects of the Johnson presidency is the first book-length appraisal by a professional historian to cover all issues, decisions, and developments of consequence--from foreign...
In November 22, 1963, historian Steven Gillon tells the story of how Johnson consolidated power in the twenty-four hours following the assassination.
This collection offers an overview of Lyndon B. Johnson's life, presidency, and legacy, as well as a detailed look at the central arguments and scholarly debates from his term in office.
Charles Peters, a keen observer of Washington politics for more than five decades, tells the story of Johnson's presidency as the tale of an immensely talented politician driven by ambition and desire.
To help improve the running of the Alliance, in January 1964 the President appointed Thomas Mann, a fellow Texan and ... about Mann's appointment, with Johnson noting that 'We've got a little flak from [former Kennedy aide] Arthur M.
Collins , David and Melissa Roberts , ed . The Long Legged School Teacher : Lyndon Baines Johnson , from the Texas Hill Country to the White House . Austin , Tex .: Eakin Press , 1987 . Denenberg , Barry . Voices from Vietnam .