Highlights the life and accomplishments of the leader of the Confederate army during the Civil War, General Robert E. Lee.
Presents a brief biography of the engineer, Confederate general, and college president, remembered as an excellent military leader and a great American.
Robert Lee's army decisively defeated Pope at the Second Battle of Manassas . Lee's men cheered as he rode along the lines , a dashing figure sitting tall on Traveller . Young Rob Lee later recalled an encounter with his father at ...
This book provides a comprehensive, yet concise and entertaining narrative of the battles and campaigns that highlighted this phase of the war and analyzes the battles and Lee's generalship in the context of the steady deterioration of the ...
... George Foster Pierce in Eugene D. Genovese and Elizabeth Fox - Genovese , " The Social Thought of Antebellum Southern Theologians , " in Wilfred B. Moore , Jr. , and Joseph F. Tripp , eds . , Looking South : Chapters in the Study of ...
Nelson D. Lankford were ever helpful, and the Society was kind enough to grant me an Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellowship to aid my work. Elizabeth Lux, Guy Swanson, Robin Reed, and Cory Hudgins were gracious and generous at The Museum ...
Originally published in hardcover in 2015 by Scribner.
" --Ron Chernow In a forceful but humane narrative, former soldier and head of the West Point history department Ty Seidule's Robert E. Lee and Me challenges the myths and lies of the Confederate legacy—and explores why some of this ...
See Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman , Time on the Cross ( New York : W. W. Norton , 1989 ) , pp . 120–21 ; and Todd Savett , Medicine and Slavery ( Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 1978 ) , pp . 149–84 . 41.
Many of the images in this book are being published for the first time.
James McCabe , the Richmond - born novelist and editor of the Magnolia Weekly , possessed the proper Virginia credentials . He also admired Lee greatly , as was evidenced in his Life and Campaigns of General Robert E. Lee ( 1867 ) .