Explores, from an analytical and commercial point of view, major issues of the psychology of color, including historical and cultural factors, personality and color, color perception and response, and applied use.
Illuminating the science, psychology and emotional significance of colour, with key assessments for finding your own true colour compatibility, this book will help you to rediscover meaning in everything you do through the joy of colour.
The Handbook of Color Psychology seeks to facilitate cross-fertilization among researchers, both within and across disciplines and areas of research, and is an essential resource for anyone interested in color psychology in both theoretical ...
"Clearly contextual perception is a big opportunity." Johannes Le Coutre, a perception physiologist with Nestle. Who is This Book For? Anyone interested in the influence of color will get something from this book.
Colour design provides a comprehensive review of the issues surrounding the use of colour, from the fundamental principles of what colour is to its important applications across a vast range of industries.
After struggling to find texts specific to my research subject, this text and its contents came as a welcomed discovery and I will be referring to Birren's work throughout my further research.
This is how you grow your business in the digital age. And They Ask, You Answer is your guide to accomplishing that goal.
Color Collective's Palette Perfect is both a practical guide and an inspirational book on the universe of colour combinations.
The book discloses unique knowledge on how colour psychology impacts on the business world and the individual, borne out of the author's extensive work as a colour consultant and trainer that spans more than thirty years.
An endless source of inspiration and design ideas, The Smashing Idea Book gives you: Dozens of screenshots from all kinds of websites Hundreds of superb full-color photos of great designs, from architecture to fashion to children’s toys ...
Chapter 11 of handbook of optics. In: Bass, M., Decusatis, C., Enoch, J.M., Lakshminarayanan, V. (Eds.), Vision and Vision Optics (Set): 3, third ed. vol. III. Optical Society of America. This page intentionally left blank The human ...