During the progressive era, most American policymakers agreed that China represented a land of unlimited opportunity for trade, investment and social reform. Serious divisions existed, however, over policy tactics. One side (mainly manufacturers and academics) advocated a unilateral policy of penetration allied only with Chinese modernizers. The other (primarily financiers and reformists), called for an alliance with other powers, especially Japan, in their dealings with China. In Progressivism and the Open Door, Jerry Israel examines the many factors that led to formal U.S. policy toward China during this era-one that ultimately found a middle ground between the two divisions.
For a detailed critique of Roosevelt's foreign policy during his second term, see Lowenthal, “Roosevelt and the Coming of War.” 42. Williams, Tragedy of American ... Henry R. Luce, “The American Century,” LIFE, 17 February 1941. 46.
Scott, China and the International System, pp. 58–63; Hart, Eccentric Tradition, pp. ... 97–115; David J. Silbey, The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China (New York: Hill & Wang, 2012), pp. 40–47. 87. Cohen, America's Response ...
to rescue their citizens, and the ideals of the Open Door Policy began to fade. In reaction to the presence of foreign armies ... Progressivism and the Open Door: America and China, 1905–1921. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, ...
Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life of Theodore Roosevelt in next to no time with this concise guide. 50Minutes.com provides a clear and engaging analysis of Theodore Roosevelt.
The author examines the ideas, personality, and methods of Paul S. Reinsch, minister to China under Woodrow Wilson.
... Broadcasting Propaganda: International Radio Broadcasting and the Construction of Political Reality (Westport: Praeger, 1992); Barack Kushner, The Thought War: Japanese Imperial Propaganda (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ...
17:248 Danelski, David J., and Joseph S. Tulchin, eds. The Autobiographical Notes of Charles Evans Hughes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973. In the preface, Hughes described his efforts as "a body of facts for reference" ...
Nichols rules that school districts with children who speak little English must provide them with bilingual education. The Court said, “The failure of the San Francisco school system to provide English language instruction to ...
... 351,387, 420–23,426–28,439 Dewing, Arthur S., 105–107 Dewson, Molly, 352, 355 Disston, Hamilton, 245 Dock, Lavinia, 349 Dodge, Cleveland H., 458 Dodge, Grenville M., 45 Donnelly, Ignatius, 189–90 Dorfman, Joseph, 17 Dorscher, Claus, ...
Israel, Progressivism and the Open Door, 101. 39. Ibid., 124. 40. Varg, The Making of a Myth, 36-57. 41. Israel, Progressivism and the Open Door, l26. 42. Hunt, The Making of a Special Relationship, 299. 43.