This is a guide for painters using watercolours, with advice on achieving the light and colour effects desired
象徵古代帝王的泰爾紫(Tyrian purple)究竟是怎麼製成的?本書作者根據中古世紀文獻記載, 走訪位腓尼基遺蹟, 也在貝魯特國家博物館裡看泰爾紫染色羊毛, 在墨西哥的陽光下, ...
Un Art: Lee Bale, David Cantine, Karen Cantine, Robert Dmytruk, Sylvain Voyer: February 14 - March 17, 2013
In this book, he discusses his working methods and the importance of colour, at the same time placing these issues within the general context of painting in oils, with all that this has to offer.
Ben shu tong guo dui se cai ji ben gai nian, Se cai ti xi, Se cai gou cheng gui lü deng li lun zhi shi de jiang jie, Pei he xiang guan lian xi, Bang zhu du zhe ti gao dui se cai zhi shi de li jie, Bing neng zai shi ji she ji zhong he li di ...
本书由邢莉和孙琦等 3 人合译。
黄焱冰. 中差色是指在色相环中处于 90 。左右的任何两色,是介于类似色与对比色之间的中强对比,如黄与蓝绿、黄与橙红等。是一种既明快又协调的色彩搭配。同纯度、不同明度的中差邑。黄均玲作品浅淡调子的中差色。崔晓燕作品 眼镜店设计高纯度的蓝色与低.
Understanding Color
La Couleur: Comment L'utiliser
Introducing a standard 12-colour palette, the author explains how to select and mix 132 new colours, using the specially developed at-a-glance mixing charts provided.