From Antelopes to Zebras, the A-to-Z of creatures inhabiting these lively pages are lovingly depicted by ten gifted wildlife artists who reveal their carefully developed techniques for achieving remarkably realistic animal art. Emphasizing the all-important details of rendering wildlife, the book devotes separate sections to animals' eyes, whiskers, beaks, fur, and so on. Sketches, studies, and reference photos used by master painters show just how their bird and animal portraits evolved into magnificent finished works in watercolor, gouache, oil, pastel, or other mediums. Susan Rayfield, a specialist in wildlife writing and the creative force behind the Audubon Field Guide series, lives in Brunswick, Maine.
This volume is focused on teaching and learning with visuals and provides innovative examples of teaching with images in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts"--Page four of cover.
Rhonda S. Robinson is Professor of Education at Northern Illinois University ( NIU ) , where she directs the Masters degree program and teaches courses in instructional technology research , design , and development .
Deblase, G. (2007). Learning to speak in a political voice. English Education, 39(2), 117–119. Duke, N. K., & Pearson, P. D. (2002). Effective practices for developing reading comprehension. In A. E. Farstrup & S. J. Samuels (Eds.), ...
This method of learning to see and read visual data has already been proved in practice, in settings ranging from Harlem to suburbia. Appropriately, the book makes some of its most telling points through visual means.
(From Cressida's Classroom by David Drew and Robert Roennfeldt.) (View this figure in color at IN COLOR room. It has “lost” some details in the top view and changed others. The keys on the piano keyboard ...
In a world that is becoming increasingly visual, this book equips teachers with innovative strategies to engage students with visual media.
Visual Literacy Skills: How to See
Year 3–4 Resources A scanned page from a comic Interactive whiteboard Comic panel sheet (see Figure 3.7). ... Choose a page from a comic which has a variation of panel shapes and sizes (this can probably be found in the pages of most ...
In Engaging the Eye Generation, library media specialist and National Board Certified Teacher Johanna Riddle draws on twenty-five years of education experience to show teachers how to update the curriculum for twenty-first century learners.
This engaging book provides theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical frameworks for teaching a wide-range of visual and multimodal texts, including historical fiction, picture books, advertisements, websites, comics, graphic novels, news ...