Describes the jobs done by craftsmen, tradesmen, and technicians and discusses how to prepare for and secure such jobs working with one's hands.
Two office managers for large companies who hire and train young people describe the kinds of jobs available in a business office and necessary preparation for a business occupation
Describes the many diversified jobs available in a hospital and the training necessary for each of them. Also suggests how and where to apply for employment.
Aim For a Job in Drafting
Aim for a Job in Appliance Service
Aim for a Job Working with Your Hands
This discussion of a career in watchmaking emphasizes its suitability for the disabled and describes the necessary training
Aim for a Job in a Small Business Occupation
Defines graphic design and where and how it may be used. Also includes details on the necessary aptitudes for the work, suggestions for training, how to look for a job and biographies of some important people in the field.
Aim for a Job in the Record Business
FOREIGN COUNTRIES AUSTRALIA 24 de Maio 208 2o . andar São Paulo , S. P. Brazil BRITISH WEST INDIES Dodgshun , Alan Graham William Angliss Food Trades School 555 LaTrobe Street Melbourne , Australia Findley , Norma Emily McPherson ...