Back in Print: the novel that launched the epic Warlock series. In an interstellar romp that proves science and sorcery can mix, only hard-headed realist Rod Gallowglass can save the people of Gramarye from their doom by becoming--The Warlock in Spite of Himself-- if only he believed in magic .
我噗啸一笑 o 「好了啦,如果妳不介意,那我獨處]下嘍 o 我得想想占卜石這東西 o 待會兒就去馬廄找妳 o 如果看見史塔克,告訴他,我沒辜,很快就過去 o 」「好的,沒問題。」史蒂薇 _ 蕾說。我看著她俩三涸雕去,聪目儿克拉米夏周夏琳她自己的颜色。
異樣不是變態,嗜血不是變壞 歡迎來到吸血鬼養成學校 最神祕、浪漫的課程正在等你。 美國今日報、華爾街日報等排行榜暢銷百萬小說 盤據紐約時報暢銷排行榜逾80週 ...
Explanatory notes identify locations, literary references, persons, events, and specialized terminology. The textual essays describe the production and subsequent revisions of the text.
通往納尼亞的方法之六:真名字 武士被魔咒困在椅子上,如果現在砍掉繩子,他若不是王子,便是惡蟒…… 但他說,以亞斯藍之名發誓…… ...
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Collected Novels of Jules Verne in English" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Collected Works of Jules Verne in English" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
Rose Copeland proved to be able to withstand Charles Barone's gift of getting what he wanted, at least when it came to women. He could and did bed a different one almost each day. He has been an instructor at university near ...
오리지널 웨스트엔드 프로덕션의 공식 대본.해리 포터로 사는 일은 늘 힘들고, 어른이 되어서도 상황은 크게 나아지지 않는다. 그는 마법부 직원으로 격무에 시달리면서도 한 ...
전편 〈신비한 동물사전〉으로부터 몇 달이 흐른 1927년, 뉴트 스캐맨더의 활약으로 뉴욕에서 체포된 어둠의 마법사 겔러트 그린델왈드가 스스로 예고한 대로 감옥을 탈출해 ...