Gale has launched another new project--Genealogical Sourcebook series--and the first volumes look promising. The remaining volumes on Asian Americans and Native Americans will be published this summer. Libraries can order...
Afro American Genealogy Sourcebook
When Black Genesis was originally published in 1978, it was the first book to provide researchers with information on resources and a methodology specific to African-American genealogy. Now, this pioneering book has been completely ...
In the book, she provides the information and guidance to help locate the resources available for researching African American records in archives, libraries, and county courthouses throughout the state.
"I teach the kings of their ancestors so that the lives of the ancients might serve them as an example, for the world is old but the future springs from...
Free Black Heads of Households in the New York State Federal Census 1790-1830 . Detroit : Gale , 1981 . “ New York State Manumissions . ” New York Genealogical and Biographical Record 108 : 4 ( October 1977 ) - 110 : 1 ( January 1979 ) ...
Designed with both the novice and the professional researcher in mind, this text provides reference resources and introduces a methodology specific to investigating African-American genealogy.
This book "is a selected list of books in the collections of the Library of Congress compiled primarily for researchers of Afro-American lineages. Included in this bibliography are guidebooks, bibliographies,...
Genealogists and other historical researchers have valued the first two editions of this work, often referred to as the genealogist's bible."" The new edition continues that tradition.
This guide also includes: -real case histories that illustrate the unique challenges posed to African Americans and how they were solved -more than 100 illustrations and photographs of actual documents and records you're likely to encounter ...