Proposing a conceptual framework for evaluating "hand-held" books, Dresang (information studies, Florida State U.) explains how books are changing along with developments in digital information and how librarians, teachers, and parents can recognize and use books to create connections for and among young people using digital concepts and designs that emphasize multilayered, nonlinear stories and information. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
In Radical Change, Radical Results, top consultants Kate Ludeman and Eddie Erlandson divulge their breakthrough, 7 step program for achieving a successful corporate transformation.
With this book, you will easily integrate important mindfulness, acceptance, and values-based therapeutic work in their interactions with clients suffering from depression, anxiety, or any other mental health problem.
A valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion of how best to understand change given discoveries both microscopic and global, this book offers useful ideas to students curious about why revolutions often fail to achieve their goals or ...
Fully updated to confront pressing issues of today—from mass incarceration to climate change, from the war on terror to the national security state, from rising inequality to a global shortage of care, Ideas for Action also examines the ...
This text explores the experiences of tempered radicals. These are people who want to become valued and successful members of their organisations without selling out on who they are and what they believe in.
But, Believing That Change Can Come Only By Degrees, They Hesitate To Initiate Action. The Key Purpose Of This Book Is To Make Managers Believe That Radical Performance Improvement Is Possible.
The founder of one of America's most influential political blogs gives voice to the new world of digital activism, sharing helpful guidelines on how a grassroots movement can grow and thrive in the age of global information and how to ...
The book gives special attention to what leadership needs to do to support the change process for building high performing business organizations.
The controversy in the establishment of the Gresham College is noted. The book is a dependable reference for readers interested in studying the development, issues, and trends in the educational system of Great Britain.
What do you do when you see injustice unfolding? Do you stand and fight? People who do are often called traitors, agitators or rabble-rousers. These are the people who are often the driving force toward change.