The psalms are the oldest prayers in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Joan Chittister sees them as a lexicon of the human condition, assuring us of God's caring presence and loving help in every situation. In this beautifully designed book, Chittister provides a favorite psalm for each month and a reflection on the prayer for each day so that the psalm can become a benedition that pulsates in our hearts.
Selections from the Book of Psalms
The NIV is the world's best-selling modern translation, with over 150 million copies in print since its first full publication in 1978.
Jesus died with a psalm on his lips. For millennia, humans have been shaped by the Psalms. And before the Nazis banned him from publishing, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer published this book on the Psalms.
In a fresh approach to the Book of Psalms, McCann reads them in the context of their final shape and canonical form.
In this teaching series, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey provides an overview of the Psalms with the specific goal of learning to love them through a study of their themes, structure, and beauty.
A commentated new translation of the Book of Psalms seeks to preserve and convey its powerful message and musical rhythms while lending insight into the text's obscurities, in a volume by the acclaimed translator of the Five Books of Moses. ...
These essays explore the full range of emotion expressed in the Psalms—from elation to distress—while weaving together observations from biblical scholarship and theology.
No one is more qualified to write on the Psalms than John Eaton. He is a distinguished Old Testament scholar and has spent a lifetime studying the Psalms. This commentary is addressed to the wide readership.
Book of Psalms
Also included is a helpful guide to commentaries on the Psalms. Here is a book for all those who long to better understand these mirrors of the soul.