The newest book in the informal series of spirituality seen from a woman's perspective: When Women Pray, when Women Build the Kingdom. The theme of this book is the experience of a believer seemingly losing the faith that has sustained them.
The third volume in the God Hunger trillogy draws upon the wisdom of mystics, focuses on the life that begins when we surrender to the hunger for God that demands persistent hope, and offers readers the opportunity to explore their own ...
S. F. Pfister. the big book about NOTHING! If not now...when? S. F. Pfister The Big Book about Nothing: If Not Now ... When? Title Page.
"This book does not pretend to answer the poignant lament of our age of searching: "they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him" (John 20:13) but it does try to help man rediscover God -- who is 'closer to him ...
Silent God reveals how to find Him through the silence and emerge a deeper connection with Christ and His love...