"This multidisciplinary study will be of interest to students of modern Japanese literature and those concerned with Japanese perspectives on the Pacific War, trauma studies, the application of psychological theory to literary analysis, and military history."--BOOK JACKET.
Crimes of burglary, child molestation, mayhem and murder are not tolerated and often result in swift vigilante justice. Patriots and militias fight off the tyranny of “war lords” who want to subjugate people.
It is unusual to experience such a diversity of writings in one book' - Nursing Times `It brings together the knowledge and skills from a multi-occupational group and thereby offers and opportunity, to whoever reads it, to enable better ...
... the burdens and sufferings of others. A cold heart has no capacity to bear another's burdens, to care one way or an- other whether neighbor is dehumanized or power dominated, or whether the earth's resources are exploited and abused for ...
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of major works in Japanese literature and film through the interpretive lens of trauma and PTSD studies.
... North America before 1900 : A Guide to Research and Writing ( Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press , 2007 ) , quote from xv ; Michelle LeMaster , “ Pocahontas Doesn't Live Here Anymore : Women and Gender in the Native South before Removal ...
Campbell AV. Dependency: the foundational value in medical ethics. In: Fulford KWM, Gillett G, Soskice JM, editors. ... Bronheim H. Psychotherapy of the medically ill: the role of object relations in body image and grief.
Karen Auerbach, The House at Ujazdowskie 16: Jewish Families in Warsaw after the Holocaust (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2015), 6. 216. Stola, “Anti- Zionism as a Multipurpose Policy Instrument,” 193–194. 217.
... burdens, the physical attributes of most local environmental burdens make them very difficult to address through conventional market mechanisms or government regulations. In economic terms, they involve a range of environmental ...
The book that every dean and department chair needs to survive—and thrive—in the twenty-first-century university.
This book creates a literary archive of counterarguments to the conventional Darwinian evolutionary protocols of survival in early 20th century thought.