At long last the approach that has helped thousands of learners memorize Japanese kanji has been adapted to help students with Chinese characters. Book 1 of Remembering Simplified Hanzi covers the writing and meaning of the 1,000 most commonly used characters in the simplified Chinese writing system, plus another 500 that are best learned at an early stage. (Book 2 adds another 1,500 characters for a total of 3,000.)
Of critical importance to the approach found in these pages is the systematic arranging of characters in an order best suited to memorization. In the Chinese writing system, strokes and simple components are nested within relatively simple characters, which can, in turn, serve as parts of more complicated characters and so on. Taking advantage of this allows a logical ordering, making it possible for students to approach most new characters with prior knowledge that can greatly facilitate the learning process.
Guidance and detailed instructions are provided along the way. Students are taught to employ imaginative memory to associate each character's component parts, or primitive elements, with one another and with a key word that has been carefully selected to represent an important meaning of the character. This is accomplished through the creation of a story that engagingly ties the primitive elements and key word together. In this way, the collections of dots, strokes, and components that make up the characters are associated in memorable fashion, dramatically shortening the time required for learning and helping to prevent characters from slipping out of memory.
... ^_ 259 內地一台瞳譠音異詞語〞〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝〝" 293 __ 周叫|次的香港人士參加'
人__于有生命的_西的特_直__始得非常早。(因_) 有生命的_西都有一_看不_的本_,而__看不_的本_又受制于一_看不_的_程。(Steven Pingker:《_言本能》) ...
Ernest the bear and Celestine the mouse are an unlikely pair of friends. Follow both of them in each book as they explore and learn more about each other.
今天,香港創新科技公司的李總經理來到中國東江電子公司下屬的前海工廠參觀考察,中方公司的接待人員陳經理和工廠的王廠長陪同參觀。》對話 05-00.mp3 chén jing |陳經理 wáng chẳng zhẳngnín de kè rén dào le 王廠長,您的客人到了!
提起《百家姓》,大概每个中国人都能来上一句:“赵钱孙李,周吴郑王。”但却很少有人想过《百家姓》为什么偏偏要以“赵”姓开头。这其中的道理其实很简单,《百家姓》是在宋代编纂的,编者是钱塘,也就是今天浙江杭州的一位士大夫,宋朝的皇帝姓赵,当官的编《百家 ...
英文, 韓文, 中文繁體,中文简体,中文拼音 English, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ...
英文, 韓文, 中文繁體,中文简体,中文拼音 English, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ...
英文, 韓文, 中文繁體,中文简体,中文拼音 English, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Pinyin ...