This work builds on the rich legacy of historical struggles to open universities to dissenting voices and oppressed groups. Each chapter is guided by a commitment to praxis - the idea that theoretical understandings of inequality must be applied to concrete strategies for change. It will be required reading for all students, faculty, and administrators seeking to understand bias and discrimination in higher education and to engage in social justice work on and off college campuses.
This anthology demonstrates the longstanding, multifarious, and major role that race has played in the formation of knowledge.
... 212 pp On the Outskirts of Engineering: Learning Identity, Gender, and Power via Engineering Practice Karen L. Tonso, ... Outskirts provides an insider look at forms of engineering practice – the cultural production of engineer ...
This book won the 2014 CCCC (Conference on College Composition and Communication) Outstanding Book Award - Edited Collection Race and Writing Assessment brings together established and up-and-coming scholars in composition studies to ...
This book provides a compelling and informative look into the experiences of women of colour in academia.
Beyond Diversity 101: Navigating the New Opportunities
Written to address the structural and behavioral barriers in higher education settings, this book offers concrete and innovative approaches, concepts and guidance for educational leaders to enact transformational and sustained diversity ...