Illustrates the well-known carol in which an angel appears to poor shepherds to announce the birth of Christ.
Novelty book, intricate paper engineering. NOT suitable for extensive library use. Useful for preschool storytime sessions. All ages.
Hero was so caught up in the sight that he almost forgot he was still playing his horn. Kalin gave him a little smack with the back of her hand to get his attention, and Hero stopped tooting his own horn. No sooner had Kalin and Hero ...
The beauty and wonder of the very first Christmas burst forth in his this elegant pop-up book
Ready to Sing Christmas
(Faber Piano Adventures ).
Illustrates the well-known carol in which an angel appears to poor shepherds to announce the birth of Christ. Accompanying CD reproduces Elvis Presley's 1971 recording of the song.
Full-page illustrations with the text of the well-known Christmas carol present the story of the night Jesus was born.
Through this story, children will learn to value diversity, love, and acceptance of others regardless of their social status.
Adult Piano Adventures Christmas Book 2 offers sophisticated-sounding holiday music, pianistically arranged for the early intermediate player and organized into three sections: Traditional Christmas Carols, Popular Christmas Songs, and ...
13 sing - ing a song as 2 : 15 3 1 walk - in ' in a win ter won - der 2 : # 8 17 5 3 1 In the mead - ow , we can build 2 9 : # 3 2 19 23 then pre - tend that he is Par - son 9 : # 3 21 9 He'll say , " Are you mar - ried ?