As a nurse educator, whether novice or expert, you will benefit from this book, written by such distinguished contributors as Diane Billings, Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, and Marilyn H. Oermann.
Each chapter is written by acknowledged experts for the particular topic. The previous edition won an American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award.
This third edition of the best-selling nurse educator’s handbook on using online teaching tools and assessing their results keeps pace with the rapid-fire progression in digital learning that has occurred since the second edition was ...
A workshop for nurse and health educators involved in the development of distance education study materials, methods, and delivery systems was held in February 1987 at the Center for Distance Learning at Gippsland Institute.
Distance Education of Nursing Personnel: Evaluation of the Broken Hill Distance Education Learning Package
Articles are accepted from authors--new and experienced--with interesting and important information about the effective practice of distance teaching and learning. Distance Learning is published quarterly.
This unique text takes a theoretical approach and includes practical examples as well as sample curriculum, course design, and policies.
Developed by Karen Ferguson, RN,MHSc(N). © Western-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN Program (2013). Used with permission. ... Lee, R.C., & Fawcett, J. (2013). The inuence of the metaparadigm of nursing on professional identity development ...
This book takes educators through the necessary steps to transform a traditional course into an online or partially online course -- which may be part of a traditional nursing education program, a continuing education course, or a ...