[This book] opens a window into the process of psycholinguistics, pulling together classic and cutting-edge research from a number of different areas to provide an engaging and insightful introduction to the study of language processing. Psycholinguistics 101 is sure to hook students with its enthusiasm as it provides a clear introduction to the modern research in this field. Maria Polinsky, PhD Harvard University How is language represented in the brain? How do we understand ambiguous language? How carefully do we really listen to speakers? How is sign language similar to and different from spoken language? How does having expertise in multiple languages work? Answering these questions and more, Psycholinguistics 101 provides an introduction to how language is stored and processed by mind and brain. The study of psycholinguistics incorporates interdisciplinary research from psychology, linguistics, computer science, neuroscience, and cognitive science. By understanding the processes that underlie language ability, we can help develop more effective ways to teach languages and understand differences in reading abilities. This book introduces the reader to the basic issues in psycholinguistic research, including its history and the methodologies typically employed in these studies. Key topics discussed include information flow, language representation, and sign language.
Retrieved from http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Attorneys/Conduct-Discipline/ Rules/Rules-of-Professional-Conduct/Current-Rules Clarke, J. (2017, June 23). Congratulations, here's your fishing prize! Now for the Polygraph.
Developmental Psychology, 47(2), 580–581. doi:10.1037/a0022553 Brown, J. D., Childers, K. W., & Waszak, C. S. (1990). Television and adolescent sexuality. Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 11(1), 62–70. Chandra, A., Martino, S. C., ...
This book, filled with a broad array of fascinating topics, is bound to further whet the appetite of a growing number of students who have been inspired by this provocative, yet eminently testable approach to human behavior.î Gordon G. ...
James C. Kaufman, PhD, David C. Devonis, PhD ... awarded the APA Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award in 2003. textbook (Houston, Bee, Hatfield, & Rimm, 1979) with an Elaine Hatfield (1937–, USA) Social psychologist (PhD Stanford, ...
New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Fleischman, D. A., Wilson, R. S., Gabrieli, J. D. E., Bienias, J. L., & Bennett, D. A. (2004). A longitudinal study of implicit and explicit memory in old persons. Psychology and Aging, 19, 617–625.
Special thanks to my family, Joan, Errol, Tracy, Shauna, Bryce, Zoe, Jodi, LJ, Cheryl, and Mike for their love, support, and encouragement. I've appreciated your being there to share in the happiness of completing this project.
This series offers short, reader-friendly introductions to cutting-edge topics in psychology.
Genius101 Dean Keith Simonton, PhD IQ testing101 Alan S. Kaufman, PhD Leadership 101 Michael D. Mumford, PhD anxiety101 ... PhD Personality 101 Gorkan Ahmetoglu, PhD Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, PhD Giftedness 101 Linda Kreger Silverman, ...
Genius 101 Dean Keith Simonton, PhD IQ Testing 101 Alan S. Kaufman, PhD Leadership 101 Michael D. Mumford, ... PhD Depression 101 C. Emily Durbin, PhD History of Psychology 101 David C. Devonis, PhD Psychology of Trauma 101 Lesia M.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 50–57. Higgins, E. T. (2006). Value from hedonic experience and engagement. Psychological Review, 113, 439–460. Higgins, E. T., Shah, J. Y., & Friedman, R. (1997).