"This book is written for advanced nursing students. The second edition of Nursing theories explores the conceptual and philosophical foundations of selected major nursing theories. The book is not a survey or evaluation of nursing theories, but is designed to assist students in understanding the core philosophical concepts behind nursing theories and how they can be applied to current nursing practice. New to this second edition: Essays warranted by developments in the science and research of nursing. Three chapters addressing: pragmatism, evidence-based nursing, biography. Newly authored chapters on systems and transcultural thoughts reflecting current thinking and new directions. Completely rewritten chapters on interaction and self-care to incorporate current debates"--Provided by the publisher.
The 5th Edition, continues to meet the needs of today’s students with an expanded focus on the middle range theories and practice models that link theory to clinical practice.
This text offers step-by-step guidelines on: * how to analyse concepts * how to generate and select theory * how to apply and test theory in practice.
2nd edn FA Davis Company, Philadelphia Rodin J (1984) Interview with Faye Abdellah American Psychologist 39(1): 67–70 ... 6th edn Mosby Elsevier, Missouri Wills E (2007) Overview of Grand Nursing Theories In McEwen M, Wills E (eds) ...
Vital Notes for Nurses: Nursing Models, Theories and Practice provides a concise, accessible introduction to the development, application and evaluation of nursing theories and clearly outlines their relevance to everyday nursing practice.
In R. Taylor & J. Watson (Eds.), They shall not hurt: human suffering and human caring (pp. 125–135). Boulder, (CO): University Press of Colorado. Watson, J. (1989). Watson's philosophy and theory of human caring in nursing.
A classic in the field of nursing theory, this text uses objective critiques, case studies, and critical thinking activities to bridge the gap between nursing theory and application.
The 5th Edition, continues to meet the needs of today’s students with an expanded focus on the middle range theories and practice models that link theory to clinical practice.
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
After several conferences held between SAMHSA administrators and mental health participants, O'Connell and colleagues (2005) identified the elements of a recovery-oriented environment (see Box 12-2). According to Roberts and Wolfson ...
Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice, 2nd Edition, shows your undergraduate and graduate students how theory will help them improve the ways in which they practice nursing.