This title contains 17 original essays by leading thinkers in the field and covers the field's major topics including limits to criminalization, obscenity and hate speech, blackmail, the law of rape, attempts, accomplice liability, ...
8, 137 Nelson, P. p. 153 Nelson, R.O. p. 159 Newsom, CD, pp. 23, 30 Nietupski, J. pp. 14, 37 Nikoomanesh, P. p. 145 Nowlis, D.P. p. 145 Nurnberger, J.I. p. 97 Nutter, D. p. 39 O Obler, M. p. 153 O'Leary, M.R. p. 31 O'Leary, K.D. p.
This comprehensive and accessible textbook outlines and critically appraises alternatives to custody. At a time of escalating prison costs, severe overcrowding and rising recidivism rates punishment in the community is...
This book reports the results of the research programme commissioned by the Coulsfield Inquiry into Alternatives to Prison, which was funded by the Esmée Fairbairn 'Rethinking Crime and Punishment' initiative.
The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment is the first major reference work to address these and other important questions in detail, offering 31 chapters from an international and interdisciplinary team of experts ...
Alternatives to Corporal Punishment: The Learning Experience
This book considers proven alternatives to imprisonment that emphasize settlement-oriented techniques over punishment, and move us towards a vision of justice as peace-making rather than one of vengeance."
Few predicted its passing from the American penal landscape. Davis expertly argues how social movements transformed these social, political and cultural institutions, and made such practices untenable. In Are Prisons Obsolete?
This report surveys and summarizes the literature on the use of alternative sanctions in 12 western countries with a particular focus on its effectiveness and efficiency.
Radical Alternatives to Prison and the Penal Lobby