The Foundations of Social Work Practice covers the core content required for foundation practice courses in master's-degree programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Practical and comprehensive and...
The aging of societies is a global phenomenon. In the United States alone, the life expectancy for both men and women will continue to increase over the next few decades...
Using a systemic approach, Pincus and Minahan (1973, p. 9) defined the purpose: Social work is concerned with the interactions between people and their social environment which affect the ability of people to accomplish their life tasks ...
Wells, S., Polglase, K., Andrews, H. B., Carrington, P., & Baker, H. A. (2003). Evaluation of a meridian-based intervention, emotional freedom techniques (EFT), for reducing specific phobias of small animals.
experience, while also maintaining awareness of what the self is experiencing (Gerdes & Segal, 2011). Emotion regulation refers to the ability to manage one's emotional responses. For example, when a client describes discriminatory ...
“Use of SingleSystem Research to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment of Schizophrenia.” British Journal of Social ... Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
However, there is no doubt about the popularity of the term in social work literature and policy; indeed in his 2008 book Empowerment, Participation and Social Work, Robert Adams lists 24 recent social work texts which have sought to ...
Focusing on the pragmatic aspects of social work with gay and lesbian persons, this book offers a knowledge base of practice that will better prepare students and practitioners for working more competently and effectively with lesbians and ...
... 101, 112, 116 Broxmeyer, N., 386 Bruce, C. S., 122, 229, 459 Buros, O. K., 210 Burt, M., 221 Butterfield, H., 403 Cain, D., 101, 104 Caldwell, C., 104 Callbacks, 353 Campanario, J. M., 148 Campbell Collaboration, 80, 169 Campbell, ...
... individual and their social environment by achieving change in how the individual engages with their social environment and to create change in their social environment (Christensen et al., 1999; see also Fook, 1993; Perlman, 1968).