This book synthesizes the empirical, theoretical, and contemporary literature about men as parents and the multiple cultural impacts that influence their socialization and consequent enactment of the fathering role in families. -- From introduction.
賈耶科帝(Rukmalie Jayakody)等學者的研究,都非常重要,因為皆指出孩子在少了親生父親的環境下,依然可以成長茁壯,尤其是在單親家庭。注重血緣的西方人可能會很難理解,因為西方社會普遍仍將親生父親視為「真正的」父親,並將社會父親視為次等或作為預備選項 ...
The renowned anthropologist comments on male-female relationships and roles in South Sea cultures and analyzes patterns and trends that characterize contemporary American sexuality, marriage, and parenthood.
'Cockburn has managed that most difficult of tasks: to produce a book on an important social issue which is theoretically interesteing, factually informative and well written' New Society
Masculinities, Crime and Criminology presents an innovative and timely reading of issues which are central to the questions that have arisen in criminology: Why is crime so overwhelmingly an...
One evening in 1994, writer Brooke Stephens was listening to the news while working on a tribute to her grandfather for an upcoming family reunion. The evening's newscast began with...
A collection of writings by members of the Promise Keepers & opponents of the movement that analyzes how the Promise Keepers view masculinity & friendship.
Man Up! is a hard hitting, hig, introspective look into what the Black community must do to save itself. Finally, a voice speaks to the complex relationship between personal and...
Drawing on his research in personality, Singer provides an innovative set of recommendations about treatment strategies and appropriate psychotherapy for those suffering from severe addictions. Their stories make clear the...
In our culture, porn makes the man. So argues Robert Jensen in Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity. Jensen's treatise begins with a simple demand: "Be a man."...
What are the connections between men and masculinity on the one hand and peace and war on the other? What are the best ways to change the traditional perception of...