"In January of 1949 the aftershocks of the Second World War were still jarring large parts of the globe, although they had greatly diminished in the United States. In Asia, however, turbulence continued to rise as a result of the collapse of Japan, the tottering of the European empires after the war, and the combustion produced by nationalism mixed with communism. Because a segment of American opinion, generally represented in the more conservative wing of the Republican party, was very sensitive to events in Asia, the tremors in the Far East came as harbingers of disturbing political conflict in the United States." Robert J. Donovan's Tumultuous Years presents a detailed account of Harry S. Truman's presidency from 1949-1953.
These Tumultuous Years follows the intertwined stories of Emma, Johan, their children and Gunther as war and fate bring them and their children together on two sides of the globe.
Accompanying CD contains recordings of Truman's speeches.
A gritty, lively, and revelatory look inside the crucial and volatile nation of Pakistan In To Live or to Perish Forever, Nicholas Schmidle takes readers to Pakistan's rioting streets, to Taliban camps in the North-West Frontier Province, ...
Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953
A history of free speech in our country from earliest times to some of the controversial court cases of today involving school demonstrations and the right of Nazis to march.
Especially as I too believed that she had fully committed, this came as a shock. Since Sarah regularly canceled appointments and appearances, maybe I was being naive. In 2008 she accepted a speaking engagement at the Conservative ...
... years is to be launched . The Adult Education Board is working on the scheme and it will go into effect on October 2 . Within 5 years 10 lakh tubewells will be commissioned all ... Tumultuous Years : Insights into Indian Polity ( 1973-1994 )
Captured by History is not only the summation of a lifetime of groundbreaking works, but the story of a man who through his historical investigations became a witness to many of the most catastrophic events of the twentieth century.
With a full color layout and over one hundred illustrations, A Visual History of the English Bible covers the fascinating journey of the Bible from the pulpit to the people....
... to us a Pope in the manner required , it is necessary to fashion for that Pope a generation worthy of his reign . ... a little to put the four quarters of the world on fire.799 ( This goal was nearly accomplished as early as 1903. ) ...