When John Charles Chasteen learned that Sim?n Bolívar, the Liberator, danced on a banquet table to celebrate Latin American independence in 1824, he tried to visualize the scene. How, he wondered, did the Liberator dance? Did he bounce stiffly in his dress uniform? Or did he move his hips? In other words, how high had African dance influences reached in Latin American societies? A vast social gap separated Bolívar from people of African descent; however, Chasteen's research shows that popular culture could bridge the gap. Fast-paced and often funny, this book explores the history of Latin American popular dance before the twentieth century. Chasteen first focuses on Havana, Buenos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro, where dances featuring a "transgressive close embrace" (forerunners of today's salsa, tango, and samba) emerged by 1900. Then, digging deeper in time, Chasteen uncovers the historical experiences that molded Latin American popular dance, including carnival celebrations, the social lives of slaves, European fashions, and, oddly enough, religious processions. The relationship between Latin American dance and nationalism, it turns out, is very deep, indeed.
Noted historian John Chasteen traces the global history of marijuana, exploring its rich heritage with captivating insight.
... Roots : Kalenda and Other Neo - African Dances in the Circum - Caribbean , " Nieuwe West - Indische Gids / New West ... National Rhythms , African Roots : The Deep History of Latin American Popular Dance ( Albuquerque : Uni- versity of ...
... National Rhythms, 58. 202. Borucki, “From Colonial Performers,” 19n70. 203. See Geler, Andares, 100; Rodríguez Molas ... roots, or at best concede them in the (African) realm of rhythm, but never in the (European) realm of melody and ...
This book furthers the discussion of rhythm beyond the discrete conceptual domains and technical vocabularies of musicology and prosody.
Although many flamenco scholars and artists consider flamenco a “modern” art as contemporary as film and photography,24 flamenco continues to be exoticized, downplayed as improvised, and contextualized within negative stereotypes.
... National Rhythms, African Roots: The Deep History of Latin American Popular Dance (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2004), 115–16. 6. Cf. liner notes in Cuba, I Am Time, ed. Al Pryor, Jack O'Neil, and Nina Gomes (Bethpage ...
Salvador, Efímeras efemérides, 9–105. See also Ortemberg, “La entrada,” 70–73, 81; and Silva Hernández, “Las fiestas,” 35. 3. Will Fowler, “Fiestas Santanistas,” 410; and Silva Hernández, “Las fiestas,” 33–34. For an excellent analysis ...
African Rhythms is the autobiography of the important jazz pianist, composer and band leader Randy Weston.
Por eso, las obras incluidas en esta versión del canon son los que sólo re-escriben dicho canon como el acto de una conciencia crítica. ... En el breve ensayo, ''Oye mi son: el canon cubano'' González sólo cambia algunos ...
While other scholars have attempted to define and interpret this body of work, no other resource has provided such a detailed view of the topic, covering everything from the mambo and unique music instruments to the biographies of famous ...