Guide To The often complex area of postcolonial theory and literature from its historical origins to contemporary critical thinking and issues.
The book offers a diverse range of essays that re-examine and open the boundaries of political and cultural modernity's historical domain; that look at how the racialized and gendered and cultured subject visualizes the social from ...
Features a brief introduction to postcolonial theory and a list of suggested further reading that includes the texts in which many of these terms originated Each entry includes the origins of the term, where traceable; a detailed ...
Provides a clearly written and wide-ranging account of postcolonialism, empire, imperialism, and colonialism, written by one of the leading scholars on the topic Details the history of anti-colonial movements and their leaders around the ...
This edition also has extensive discussions of temporality, and the relationship between premodern, colonial and contemporary forms of racism.
... we need to consider the pervasive postcolonial exhaustion with the mantric iteration of the embattled past. ... is fuelled by the conviction that the adversarial basis of old solidarities lacks contemporary credence.
This book reclaims postcolonial theory, addressing persistent limitations in the geographical, disciplinary, and methodological assumptions of its dominant formations.
Deconstructs the field of postcolonial studies.
This book provides a valuable and unique introductory text that explains, reviews and critically evaluates recent debates about postcolonial approaches and their implications for development studies
Landscape and Written Expression in Revolutionary America : The World Turned Upside Down . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ . Press , 1988 . Leary , Lewis . Soundings : Some Early American Writers .
“Le Blanc de l'Algérie: Assia Djebar 'devant la douleur des autres'”[co-authored with Maya Boutaghou]. In: Assia Djebar et la transgression des limites linguistiques, littéraires et culturelles, edited by Wolfgang Asholt, ...