Reflective Teaching is the definitive textbook for reflective classroom professionalism. It offers support for trainee teachers, mentors, newly qualified teachers and for continuous professional development. This second edition has been revised and updated to enhance classroom use.
The volume also considers reflection as a conceptual orientation, commenting on its power to inform and improve teacher education, and assessing the implementation of reflection in these specific programs.
This book is one of the Reflective Teaching Series – inspiring education through innovation in early years, schools, further, higher and adult education.
Filled with practical tools and expert insight, this volume helps facilitate a journey of constructive self-critique.
In H.W. Seliger and M.H. Long (eds.), Classroom Oriented Research in Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House. Schratz, M. 1992. Researching while teaching: an action research in higher education.
... David 229 Best Practice Research Scholarships 37 Best, R. 244 'big picture' 56, 296g bilingualism 83 Blair, ... 147 controlling parents 129 convergent learners 53 core competences, testing 221–2 core skills 89 core subjects 85, ...
The book begins with an in-depth definition of presence from several different angles. The text goes on to delineate what a teacher may be present to, providing a map for useful discussions among teachers and between teachers and students.
This book centers around the idea that teachers should inquire regularly into the learning patterns of their students, their own professional growth, and the reasons for everything that goes on...
Written by an international collaborative author team of experts led by Paul Ashwin, Reflective Teaching in Higher Education offers two levels of support: - practical guidance for day-to-day teaching, covering key issues such as strategies ...
Filled with practical tools and expert insight, this volume helps facilitate a journey of constructive self-critique.
This book brings together the practice of reflective teaching and the knowledge of inclusive practices in the context of teacher education and continuing professional development.