Vol. 13 Michael David Cohen, editor ; Bradley J. Nichols, editorial assistant.
James Knox Polk Herbert Weaver, Wayne Cutler, Paul H. Bergeron, Tom Chaffin, Michael David Cohen. 12. Thomas D. Arnold moved that the ... Edward Everett , Daniel Jenifer , John S. Pendleton , Charles S. Todd , and Washington Barrow .
New York: Norton. Niven,John.1988.John C.Calhoun and the Price of Union. Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press. ———. 1999.“Calhoun, John C.” In American National Biography, edited by John A.Garraty and Mark C.Carnes.
From Samuel H. Laughlin , October 12 , 1843 From J. G. M. Ramsey , October 12 , 1843 To H. A. Cole , David Howell , et al . , October 16 , 1843 From William H. Polk , October 16 , 1843 From John W. Davis , October 17 , 1843 From William ...
J. O. Cooper to SCP , September 8 , 1857 ; see also R. B. Hays to SCP , July 29 , 1857 , Perkins to SCP , July 11 , 1857 , Polk Papers , LOC ; Pickett to SCP , July 7 , 1857 , and September 10 , 1857 , Polk Papers , LOC . 22.
Page to Cass, 8 May 1836, LRCAR, Roll 243, 1327–32; Graham to Polk, 1 March 1836, in Correspondence of James K. Polk, vol. 3: 1835–1836, ed. Herbert Weaver and Kermit L. Hall (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1975), 519–23.
... scholar of the corruption of the “designing Demagogues [and] their wicked purposes,” his difficulty in sending Donelson money to cover his expenses conclusively displayed the inadequacy of “ragg” money.10 Donelson's participation in ...
3 Herbert Weaver and Kermit L. Hall, eds., Correspondence of James K. Polk, Vol. III: 1835–1836 (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1975), pp. 64–5. 1 Allan Nevins, ed., The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828–1851.
1975 ) , 136-39 ; Herbert Weaver and others , eds . , Correspondence of James K. Polk , vol . 3 , 1835-1836 ( Nashville , 1975 ) , 151 , 181 ; LeRoy P. Graf and Ralph W. Haskins , eds . , The Papers of Andrew Johnson , vol .
... Jefferson Davis (Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs, 1907), 124–125; Felicity Allen, Jefferson Davis: Unconquerable Heart (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1999), 163–164; and Atlanta Constitution, January 29, 1874.
Nominations of Graff, Tunheim, Nelson, Joyce, and Hall: Hearing Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred...