As coffee revives the soul, God's Word revives our spirits. With humor and conversational style, this verse-by-verse study offers meaty insights that will satisfy the spirit and quench the soul. Each Morning Coffee devotional includes a verse or two from the book of James, a few paragraphs of study and application, a prayer, and more!
Need more time to study God's Word? Morning Coffee with James is the perfect solution. With humor and conversational style, this book offers meaty insights that will satisfy the spirit and quench the soul.
Morning Coffee - Random thoughts and inspirations that come to mind.
Inspiring and beautiful verses in large print from the King James Version of the Holy Bible especially for seniors!
This is the first book to chart the coffee production of over 35 countries, encompassing knowledge never previously published outside the coffee industry.
The Coffee Clutch By: James Wills and Patricia Wills The Coffee Clutch introduces us to three southern blue-haired ladies who enjoy meeting for coffee and scones each morning at Margaret's house.
The Monk of Mokha is the exhilarating true story of a young Yemeni American man, raised in San Francisco, who dreams of resurrecting the ancient art of Yemeni coffee but finds himself trapped in Sana’a by civil war.
The author reflects on his experiences, prayers, and thoughts shared with Jesus each morning.
Gathers recipes for beverages, fruits, breads, grains, milk, eggs, meat, fish, and poultry that are suitable for breakfast
But I knew that we were both on the same galactic journey into the great void that contains us all. I was standing before a boundlessness that could swallow the stars in a heartbeat."--from Breakfast at the Victory
By using our hands to transform natural materials into objects of beauty and utility, we reconnect with our creativity, our environment, and back to ourselves. Includes how to make a handplane for bodysurfing.