Law Office Management

Law Office Management
Business & Economics / General
Delmar Publishers
Donna Masinter, Terri Mick Lyndall, Jonathon Lynton


A practical and comprehensive introduction to law office management for paralegal students. The text first studies the law firm as a system, progresses through the administration of the law office, the use of technology in law, and finally, professional development for students and new paralegals. The Second Edition is updated to include many new case studies, Total Quality Management (TQM) in the law office, integrated technical systems for law practice, and the latest office and legal technology including computers, electronic libraries, and computerized document assembly. written just for paralegal students, the text is reinforced through the use of visuals and study aids such as chapter objectives, on point case studies, guest editorials, key terms and review questions. Practicing paralegals will refer to this essential resource time and again in the law office.ALSO AVAILABLEINSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDERInstructorAEs Manual, ISBN: 0-8273-7140-3Computerized Test Bank (1996) ISBN: 0-8273-7975-7"

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    ROBIN L. ANDREWS 1341 DOROTHY DRIVE DECATUR , GEORGIA 30303 TELEPHONE : ( H ) ( 404 ) 555-1213 ( O ) ( 404 ) 556-1313 December 16 , 1990 Ms. Donna Masinter Director of Administration Drew , Eckl & Farnham 880 West Peachtree St. Atlanta ...