From the acclaimed author and artist who created The Song of Songs: The Honeybee in the Garden, this breathtakingly beautiful book fuses the artist Debra Band's stunning illuminated interpretation of selected psalms with the scholar Arnold Band's insightful analysis of the text. In shimmering gold and brilliant color this book invites contemporary readers to experience the intense emotion embodied within the ancient verses. It features 36 of the most well-known and moving psalms, including songs of personal and communal joy, prayers for healing and redemption in times of desperation, expressions of love and longing for Jerusalem, and prayers of comfort traditionally included in mourning rites. Band ingeniously interprets each psalm through two illuminations on facing pages: one that brings to life the Hebrew text; the other that illustrates the JPS English translation. Each pair of full-page illuminations is followed by an analysis of the psalm by Arnold Band and an explanation of the symbolism of the artwork by Debra Band. This beautifully bound book can be used for prayer and study, as well as aesthetic enjoyment, and, it makes an unforgettable gift for weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. Included in the volume is a foreword by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner.
INSI S. BARTOLOLEES URIA include the horseshoe arch and the alternation of black and white stone for decorative articulation of arches , seen in French churches such as the cathedral and the little chapel of St Michel d'Aiguilhe atop ...
The companion volume to the first comprehensive retrospective of Morgan's work chronicles the life and art of the self-taught African-American artist, evangelist, musician, and poet, who used her diverse talents as a extension of and voice ...
The Book of Kells and the Art of Illumination brings together the Gospel of St. Mark from the 1200-year-old Irish masterpiece with a selection of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts which...
Blasphemy: Art that Offends is a prescient examination of the perpetually troubled, often explosive relationship between religion, politics and art. This book draws on a rich wealth of visual material,...
Early Christian & Byzantine Art: Textiles, Metalwork, Frescoes, Manuscripts, Jewellery, Steatites, Stone Sculptures, Tiles, Pottery, Bronzes, Amulets, Coins and Other...
The Judeo-Christian tradition has had a profound impact on Western civilization and in particular on Western art. From the flying buttresses and soaring vaults of the Gothic cathedral, to Michelangelo's...
一本人人都能讀懂的西方文明史 在《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》《殺戮與文化》之外,提供新的視角 現代西方的發展模式帶來了高度的物質發展水平,但是不可持續。可是,要改變方向幾乎是不可能的,就像旅鼠上了路,方向是改變不了的。 在這進退兩難之間怎麼辦? 西方人對天地、對自己、對別人的看法決定了西方文明。 他們「為甚麼」有這些看法? 這些「為甚麼」,就是支配西方文明的文化基因,也是本書討論的主題。 這些「為甚麼」,與不同的時代心態、民族性格、歷史背景與契機相結合,決定了西方文明的演化。 全書縱觀西方文明的源頭與現實:聚焦希臘、羅馬的理性與猶太、基督信仰的交叉;追索開啟現代文明的理性主義和經驗主義的形成;討論現代西方文明發展的背景;追蹤現代西方主流文化的成功因素;思考西方的未來。 這是一本對西方文明史的精彩回顧之作,史識深刻而暢達,也讓人思考:曾支配了歷史的文化基因,會把西方文明帶到哪裡?中國應如何選擇自己的角色與命運?
Florence has one remarkable distinction, apart from the honour of having given birth to the Renaissance. It has the largest and most terrible image of Satan in all of Europe....
Renowned art historian Sister Wendy Beckett documents the lives and works of more than 35 of the world's best-loved saints with her unique blend of humor, scholarship, and spiritual insight....
This lavish and inclusive compilation of angels in art features depictions of cherubs, guardian angels, heavenly messengers, and more, from the Middle Ages to contemporary times, represented in frescoes, oil...