In 2004, Mayer Gruber?s landmark Rashi?s Commentary on Psalms made one of the 11th-century scholar?s most important works accessible to a larger audience for the first time. The JPS paperback edition of this exceptional volume includes the complete original Hebrew text and acclaimed linguist Mayer Gruber?s contemporary English translation and supercommentary. Fully annotated by Gruber, Rashi?s Commentary on Psalms places Rashi, the most influential Hebrew biblical commentator of all time, in the larger context of biblical exegesis. Gruber identifies Rashi?s sources, pinpoints the exegetical questions to which Rashi responds, defines the nuances of Rashi?s terminology, and guides the reader to use the English translation as a tool to access the original Hebrew text. Gruber?s extensive introduction takes a critical look at Rashi and his enduring legacy.
This volume contains the complete Hebrew text of Rashi's Commentary on Psalms 1-89 faithfully transcribed from one of the most reliable medieval manuscripts (Vienna Heb. ms. 220), as well as...
This new volume in the Reference Library of Judaism faithfully presents the complete Hebrew text of Rashi's (1040-1105) psalter commentary according to Vienna Heb. ms. 220 together with a fully...
Rosenbaum and Silbermann suggest that Rashi comments thus here because the words around the lemma are “either unusual or metaphorical,” the lemma itself being an exception.56 32:14—Lemma This lemma elicits a double comment from Rashi.
This book discusses the life of Rashi and gives a lucid and full account of his monumental achievement against the rich background of 11th-century France.
Selections from the Book of Psalms
Tehillim/ A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, midrashic and Rabbinic Sources.
Crostini, B. and G. Peers (eds.) 2016: A Book of Psalms from Eleventh‐Century Constantinople. On the Complex of Texts and Images in ... London and New York: T&T Clark, pp. 119–137. Daly‐Denton, M.M. 2010: Psalm‐Shaped Prayerfulness.
The Bible: Psalms with the Jerusalem Commentary
In this volume, Mordechai Z. Cohen explores the interpretive methods of Rashi of Troyes (1040–1105), the most influential Jewish Bible commentator of all time.
... James 279 Chesnutt , Randall 320 Childs , Brevard 27,59 Clark , K. W. 44 , 45 Clarke , Ernest G. 446 Clarke , M.L. 79 Clerc , Michel 171 Cohen , A. 22 Cohen , Gerson D. 523 Cohen , Jeremy 476 , 490 Cohen , Martin A. 42 Cohen ...