Ce document propose une description d'une technologie éducative pour faire face aux problèmes causés par les troubles du comportement. À travers une approche positive, il est question de la philosophie sous-jacente à cette technologie éducative tant dans l'aspect de sa programmation que dans les considérations éthiques de son application pour des situations où les comportements excessifs nécessitent une intervention structurée. Il s'agit alors des lignes directrices pour appliquer une approche positive basée sur une intervention behaviorale.
This title contains 17 original essays by leading thinkers in the field and covers the field's major topics including limits to criminalization, obscenity and hate speech, blackmail, the law of rape, attempts, accomplice liability, ...
Alternatives to Punishment: Solving Behavior Problems with Non-Aversive Strategies
In 2003, there were almost seven million criminals in the United States. But only about two million of them were behind bars. In Alternatives to Prison, you'll learn why those other five million people are out on parole or probation.
This book contains 12 chapters that overview different counseling approaches, provide example situations for their use, and demonstrate why these techniques are valuable skills for any school mental health professional to develop.
Based on the options provided by the international drug control legal framework, this paper considers the rehabilitative measures of treating, educating or reintegrating drug users as alternatives or additions to conviction or punishment ...
In this volume, Elizabeth T. Gershoff and Shawna J. Lee present 15 effective interventions designed to prevent parents from physically punishing their children.
This book considers proven alternatives to imprisonment that emphasize settlement-oriented techniques over punishment, and move us towards a vision of justice as peace-making rather than one of vengeance."
Corporal Punishment in American Education: Readings in History, Practice, and Alternatives
This book reports the results of the research programme commissioned by the Coulsfield Inquiry into Alternatives to Prison, which was funded by the Esmée Fairbairn 'Rethinking Crime and Punishment' initiative.
This comprehensive and accessible textbook outlines and critically appraises alternatives to custody. At a time of escalating prison costs, severe overcrowding and rising recidivism rates punishment in the community is...