2019 International Book Awards, Finalist: Christianity 2018 Catholic Press Association Book Awards, Third Place: Prayer, Books about Prayer 2018 Association of Catholic Publishers’ “Excellence in Publishing Awards,” First Place: Inspiration 2018 Association of Catholic Publishers’ “Excellence in Publishing Awards,” BOOK OF THE YEAR When life has driven you to your knees, the only thing that works is prayer. Desperation has many faces: the addict who has hit bottom; the laid-off worker struggling to make the next house payment; the person who seems to have it all together but is wracked with fear, guilt, anger, or shame. We know we need help, but we are afraid to let anyone—especially God—see how broken we truly are. In Holy Desperation, Heather King demonstrates that, when we’re desperate, it’s precisely the right time to cry out to God. King, a survivor of addiction and other forms of desperation, begins with the basics of how to pray when you’re uncertain that God exists or when you feel that you’re beyond God’s reach. She challenges the assumptions that only the saintly can pray and that prayer ought to be tidy and nice. She reveals how prayer leads us beyond ourselves and into a life of purpose, lived for the good of others. Ultimately, Holy Desperation is an invitation to engage in bold, come-exactly-as-you-are prayer, offering a way forward, upward, and outward for anyone desperate enough to cry out for God’s help and presence. You are not alone.
Holy Desperation: Devotional Poems for the Surrendered Soul
And when we desperately need God and want God more than anything else-we will find Him and be blessed. If you're tired of mediocrity and long for a move of God in your life, you need Holy Desperation! Book jacket.
"Though my pit of darkness be black as night, Though my ground be cold and hard, Smelling of tear-stained dirt, Though my frequent guests Be solitude, Pain And sorrow... Even still I beg you, Embrace me. Embrace me.
A Commentary on Saint Paul'S Epistle to the Galatians by Martin Luther, first published in 1844, is a rare manuscript, the original residing in one of the great libraries of...
... Desperation , distin- guishes between ' a wicked kind of Desperation of Gods promises , power , goodness & mercie towards sinners ' , and ' an holy desperation of a mans owne defectes , infirmities , and corruptions ' ; experientially ...
Though Byrd didn't know it, the first man he prayed for was Senator J. L. Gibson. The senator had endured six major stomach operations, the last two in the States. The doctors finally admitted that there was nothing more they could do ...
In Desperate you will find the story of one young mother’s honest account of the desperate feelings experienced in motherhood and one experienced mentor’s realistic and gentle exhortations that were forged in the trenches of raising her ...
As a mother—and one who had received miraculous messages about her son before he was ever born—Mary had kept a close eye on Jesus his entire life. Lately she had seen his ministry emerging: his baptism by his cousin John and his calling ...
Dr. King's effort culminated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which more than 250,000 followers gathered in the nation's capital. Imagine 250,000 people gathered together to support your vision.
"Being the Gifford lectures on natural religion delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902." “the most notable of all books in the field of the psychology of religion.”